

Why provision is so much more than a paycheck

Jun 16, 2023


Today's topic is really near and dear to my heart. Many of us, I would daresay, most of us, have received some poor thinking around provision. Most of us have not been taught about provision the way God always intended it to be.

Just like when the Israelites were stuck in Egypt, we have adopted the mentality of our day, and we haven't even realized that because of it, we are stuck in bondage to the ways of this world. And it feels normal to us.

A long time ago I made a decision that I wanted to learn to flow in God's abundance and completely change my mind about provision, removing every barrier and limitation out of my thinking.

I've come a long way so far, and I still have a ways to go. But I have learned a lot! My hope and prayer is that you can learn from my long journey and find peace and abundance quicker than I did.

So, let's go ahead with today's topic which is Why provision is so much more than a paycheck.

The way you view provision is very closely tied to how you see God, yourself...and how you think God sees you and feels about you. I know you know this--but it really affects every aspect of your life, all of your interactions with others and all of the situations in your life. That's why we have to get God's perspective about it. How God sees it. You're not going to get that perspective anywhere else other than from His Word.
So how does God see provision?

For God, provision is an expression of His love. If we want to see how God always wanted to provide for us, we can look no further than Genesis 1, at the beginning of things. We find out that the Garden was, is, and always will be His heart for His creation, His children--us. Just look at the earth. The air we breathe, the sand, trees, the animal, plants and herbs. He made it all without limits. He created every living thing to reproduce. Now.. I know that we actually have to pay for things like food, and sand and stuff like that. Dirt. And water. And that's a pain, But in God's economy, that was never God's way. It is, however, the system that we got born into. Where you have to pay for dirt and water. And food.

But provision to God, is not just the tangible goods, but also the intangible things too like love, and affection. Ask yourself this: Are there limits on God, when it comes to love? We may struggle with that, because with people, yeah.. they have their limits. But not God. He does not. And provision comes from the same unlimited mindset that God has about His love and affection. Like Grace and mercy.

A hug is an unlimited resource, right? A hug doesn't cost us anything. But in our world, we have to be careful, even with our hugs. We can't always give or receive them freely to just anyone. But in God, and in our relationship with Him, there is no fear. 1 John 4:17 says that His perfect love casts out fear. So really, the only thing that can stop God's flow of goodness toward us, is if we put up a wall of fear.

If someone offers us some food, or a hug, we might put our hand up and say, "no thanks" out of fear. And sometimes we do that to God, but we shouldn't. It's just a defense mechanism or reflexive action.

When it comes to receiving from God, we need to be way more trusting and childlike.

So we know that money is part of provision. And it is very helpful to have it. Don't leave here thinking that I'm trying to tell you that you don't need any money! You do! I don't think your mortgage company will appreciate it if you give them a scripture instead of a payment. Or that you are going to get by on your good looks, though I'm sure you are very cute.

Money is provision. But provision is so much much more than just money. Provision takes into account all of the things that you need to survive and thrive.
Provision is the air we breathe, the bed we sleep in, it's protection from storm, it's compassion and love. Mercy and grace. It's having purpose and meaningful work to do. We need so much more than just money in order to be fulfilled .

You were once a baby! So was I. And maybe you've had a baby, or at least know someone who has had one, and you know that there is a lot of preparation for the baby to come. They need so much stuff! When I had my son, my first--there were so many things. I got things I didn't even know that I needed--I got burp pads, and thermometer-- and things that I didn't even know what they were, like this bulb to clean out his little nose if it got stuffed. He needed clothing, and a cars car seat and a special tub, little washrags, because everything he needed had to be small.

God's care and attention is like that. He pays attention to every detail. The baby doesn't just need stuff either, He needs a lot of attention and help with...well.. everything. That's because what the baby needs is provision. They don't need money. He needs round the clock, diaper service, comforting, soothing and feeding, on and on, laundry service and clean-up. Babies also need snuggles and affection.

Good parents provide it all, they do it to the best of their ability.

But God is the best parent. And little children aren't aware of provision. It's just something they take for granted. They don't have to think about it or ask for it. They don't have to behave well in order to be fed (or at least it should never be that way). They don't have to earn their keep. Good parents don't withhold provision in order to teach their kids a lesson, and neither does our Heavenly Father.

That sounds well and good. But what if you do struggle with provision, or you didn't get all that you needed as a child? Or what if you struggle with it, thinking that provision is hard, like I did.

Or if you have some fear built around your provision? Like fear that it can run out, and that would be awful. I mean it really hits us in the gut.

Well, that was one of the most terrible results of the Fall, when all of the sudden Adam had to work so hard for the food they ate. And the fear of having to provide for it all yourself. And you know, that fear is real. If the thought of losing a job, makes you sweat, you know that fear is real.

That was never God's intention. It wasn't His plan.
One of the biggest problems that came with the Fall, is that we as people no longer felt dependent upon God. We could live with a wisdom that was apart from God--our own reasoning. Living by our own wits. That was the biggest problem with the Fall of mankind. We lost that intimate connection with God as our Provider. And that produces fear, because deep down we understand that we have limitations.

But then Jesus arrived on the scene, and in one of the greatest sermons ever preached, He told his audience (and us) "Do not worry!" Don't worry about what you are going to eat or wear. or drink. Look at the birds, they don't sow or reap or gather up their seed into barns. Yet the Father feeds them.

Look at the lilies. How finely they are dressed! Solomon himself wasn't dressed this well. And he was a king! one of the richest men ever!

He said that the Gentiles, they run after these things. some translation might say the pagans. Meaning at the time, they didn't have a covenant with God like the Jews did. Well, we do now. He was saying that their Father in Heaven knows what we need. He knows that we need these things. Therefore we don't have to run after them. Is He saying "don't work" ? No, I don't think He's saying that. But He is saying here, "don't worry about provision."

Look to the Father. The Father has a plan for it. Seek God first. Seek the kingdom first. Then, all these things are added to you. They come with the Kingdom. which is spiritual and therefore invisible, although that doesn't make it any less real.

And aren't we more valuable to Him than the birds and the flowers? We are!

So, if God made it His business to provide for us, why do so many of us still worry about provision? Do you worry about it? How it will come? if it will run out?

I don't know all the reasons, but it seems like we've been conditioned to see our provision as separate from God. Like we thank Him and all. I'm not saying that we're not grateful. But from my experience, even being in church, the focus was on going to college, getting good grades, selecting a good career. Well nobody taught me how to live by faith, or how to find my calling from God. I'm talking about me, and those around me--we thought like the world, and prayed that God would bless it.

We would be afraid to lose the job. Sometimes not quit it when we ought to, all because we didn't have the right view of provision as being from God.

People live paycheck to paycheck, devoting 40 plus hours to work, building up wealth often for someone else's company, waiting for TGIF Fridays and the day we when we can finally retire. This is the world's way of provision. But is it God's?

God just says seek Him first. Seek His kingdom. Trust in Him. If you do, you won't be afraid if the company has a layoff. You won't exist just to get a paycheck and make it until Friday. You'll work wherever you work on assignment from God. And God, your Provider will make sure you have everything else that you need.

Well, that's all I have for today. I just really want to emphasize that God is our Provider. Our provision and all the things we need come from Him. It's so much bigger than having a job and getting a paycheck. The work God gives us to do is part of provision, but just a small part. His provision is so much more. It's the love that we need, and the comfort, it is wisdom and peace. So much more.

I'm going to pray:

Father, I thank You for being our Provider and giving us all that we need for life. Help us to trust You with everything and not to worry about anything. May we seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and receive everything else from Your loving and generous house. Give us the grace to trust You and see profit and provision from Your perspective.
in Jesus Name. Amen