Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted and set the captives free!

 Sadly, many believers are among the walking wounded and broken-hearted.

Maybe you're one of them. You're saved and going to Heaven, which is awesome... but because of unhealed wounds and persistent negative thought patterns, you're just not experiencing all of the fullness that  you're meant to have. Maybe you're battling with depression, fears, chronic sickness, or hurtful relationships. Or lack of money, vision for your life, or purpose.

Without knowing it, many of us got invited into a damaging, half-hearted relationship with God from the start. And we never knew what the gospel was really about. It's not surprising that many believers get disillusioned and quit. Or at least coast along with our "free ticket to Heaven" that has no relevancy to our lives in the here and now. 

The pure gospel of Jesus Christ offers us everything that our heart needs and desires. And it is an invitation to an exciting adventure! But many Bible believing, God-fearing women and men have never heard the pure good news. It's time we change that.

With my resources, I'm going to help you:

  • Get an accurate picture of what it really means to be born-again.
  • Learn how to receive revelation from God and apply it to your life.
  • Discover your purpose and calling for the Kingdom of God.
  • Identify negative, dysfunctional thinking patterns and replace them with new healthy ones


Coming Soon!


Can the body prosper when the soul is in turmoil?

If you believe that God still heals, but it hasn't happened for you yet, this book is for you. 

Learn more

Hey! I'm Julie

I was 13 years old when I first trusted in Jesus as my Savior. I was happy to know that I'd make it to Heaven if I died, but I didn't have a clue as to what else the gospel (good news!) had to offer me. 

Many Christians struggle with finances, anxiety, depression, and relationships because they don't know all that is included in their salvation package. It's above and beyond our imagination!

It has become my privilege and passion to help all of my sisters and brothers in Christ unpack all of the fullness of the gospel and renew their minds according to the promises that God gave to all of us in His Word. 



Renewing the spirit of your mind

Galatians 4 I am God's Heir!

Jun 10, 2024

Galatians 2 Justified by Faith

May 30, 2024

Galatians 1 Troublesome Teachers

May 30, 2024

Is your mindset helping you or holding you back from experiencing God's peace and abundance?

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